Thursday, January 15, 2009

WEEK 2: 1/08/2009-1/14/2009


What happens when your sweet innocent sister gets a hold of a stick. She draws blood. I was sitting in my office working when I hear Evrett screaming and crying. At first I think it is just because the kids are arguing and he is throwing a fits. As the cries get louder I realize that is a "hurt" cry not a "whining" cry. I come out of my office to see Brewer holding a broken piece of the baby cradle (mind you it has a metal hook on the end). Of course I start yelling at him telling him that we shouldn't hit our brother. He tries in earnest to tell me it wasn't him it was Birkley. Of course I do not believe him-he isn't known for his honesty. He pleads with me that is wasn't him and blames it on Birkley. I ask Evrett, knowing he will tell me the truth. And he does....."B-B-Birkley hit me with th-th-that, and Brewer took it away from her." Oops. I guess it is a good example of the boy who cried wolf!!!! I am trying to consult Evrett and scold Birkley. While doing this, she is fighting to sit on my lap because she doesn't like it when her brothers get any of my attention, Brewer comes over and starts freaking out. "Mom, mom!! There's blood!" I finally inspect Evrett's head and sure enough she drew blood. Poor Evie! I guess we know she can hold her own in this house of testosterone.


It's back!!! Yes, I love to watch American Idol. Without Tivo it is a bit harder to make sure I get to watch it, but we made sure we watched the first episode this season. The boys like it too and Brett tolerates it, so this is our fun family activity for the night!!


I think we need to give this girl a new name-Ms. Mischievous. Hello!?!?!?! When did she turn into such a handful? This is how the story goes.

Mom-sitting in office trying to work

Payton-coming upstairs saying Birkley is making a mess.

Mom-thinking to self what's new says "okay I will clean it up later."

Payton in his dramatic tone "No mom you need to come now, she got water on the bathroom floor!"

Mom-"How did she get water on the floor?"

Pate-"Well, she put a roll of toilet paper in the sink and turned the water on."

Mom-still not to worried-"Okay, Okay-grab me a towel"

Pate-grabbing a towel-"It is all over"

Mom-still thinking it is a little bit of water calmly walks to the basement.

Mom-reaching the basement finds the innocent (yeah right) Birkley leaning over the sink splashing in the water/paper mess and a water mess on the floor, a couple of inches of water.

It actually took over 10 towels to clean it up. I had to scoop the water out of the sink and dump it in the toilet because I couldn't get the sink to drain. Brett had to clean it out later when he got home!
I guess that is what happens when you mix a distracted mom, busy brothers, a crazy 2 year old, a roll of toilet paper and an open bathroom door. After telling her she was "naughty" she proceeded to act proud and walk around saying "me naughty, me naughty!!". How can you stay mad at that?


Last Nights trip to the grocery store......not all I thought it should be!!!! This is a picture of some of the stuff I got at Albertson's last night. I signed up for 5 newspapers a few months ago and have diligently been keeping my coupons filed every week. However, I had yet to use one coupon. I know LAME. I am hoping as I go along this will get less time consuming and that I will pay better attention and not spend soooo much money!!!


Sledding Fun!!! I love that I am so close to my family and that my kids get to hang out with their cousins. I always looked forward to this when I was younger-actually I still do!!!! We spent the afternoon in North Ogden sledding with the Peterson's, he Bird's, and the Harlen's. I didn't realize how out of shape I am until my 2 year old wanted to go down again, and again and again. Before we would get to the bottom she would say "Slide again!" It was too cute but also exhausting trying to carry her up the hill. Luckily she had great brother and cousins who were willing to help out. Brewer of course didn't want to wear his coat, boots, or snow pants. But he seemed to be fine. Evrett accidentally tinkled on his coat and for some odd reason I had grabbed an extra one. Payton got attached by a dog. A great experience and loads of fun!!! Plus we have lots of fun memories!


Brett's hobby!!! Or at least the project that has been consuming all his extra time. We have been trying to get everything in the basement finished. And that includes the last bedroom. Since bedtime is such a chore (Evrett and Brewer stay up bugging each other an playing) we decided that I would move my office to the basement and Evrett would have his own room upstairs. Better for us, better for them. It is getting so close. But with Brett's crazy schedule and all the other things going onthe last couple of months, we haven't had the time to finish it. Brett has been very dedicated the last few weeks mudding and taping the walls, and then sanding, and then mudding them again and sanding them again. It is such a tedious job. But I think we are finally at the end and whould be able to paitn really soon. After that we will tackle the bathroom and the rest of the little basement projects that need to be finished. Oh and then of course we will put the house up for sale!!!!


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